Tuesday 4 October 2011

What makes someone a Lingerie expert?

Last month,I was talking to a lady about lingerie and she said to me "For someone who isn't a lingerie expert, you sure know a lot about lingerie."

Now, I wasn't offended by her comment. I've always been completely open and honest about the fact that I've never worked for a lingerie boutique, a lingerie brand, or a lingerie designer. I'm proud of being one of the very few lingerie bloggers out there who doesn't come from a fashion, media background. I have been  talking about lingerie since i started the business from an everyday woman's point of view...not from the industry point of view.

I don't believe working in a lingerie boutique is enough in and of itself to make one a lingerie expert. I've had a bra fitting at one of the most famous lingerie boutiques in London and was left unimpressed. And I'm sure we've all had the experience of visiting a lingerie boutique and realizing the staff knew very little about the merchandise (which, if you're a boutique owner reading this, is really not okay).

I don't believe working for a lingerie brand necessarily makes you a lingerie expert either.You'll learn that particular brand's products inside and out, but how much of your knowledge is generalizable to other brands? Not to mention the inherent conflict of interest in working for one brand--you're automatically inclined to think their products are best for everyone...when that may not be the case.

And, to bring things a little bit closer to home, I don't believe being a writer or an editor (yes, even a writer or editor of a lingerie publication) automatically makes you an expert. As I mentioned in this article,one of the lesser-known secrets of the lingerie industry (and of fashion in general) is that the brand with the biggest PR team wins. Which means there is a lot of amazing lingerie we never, ever hear about.

I guess what I'm asking is the same question from the title, "What makes someone a lingerie expert?" I don't think you have to be an "expert" to know what fits and flatters your body, or to know what you like and don't like. And you certainly don't need to live in a fashion capital or have a huge lingerie budget to be an expert...though I think that's the message we get from the media sometimes.

I've said a lot about what I don't think so far...so here's what I do think. I think every woman has the ability and the capacity to become a lingerie expert, even if you're just a lingerie expert for yourself. Being passionate about lingerie, being curious about lingerie, being well-informed about lingerie, and being willing to make a lingerie mistake or two...that's what makes you an expert (and a lingerie addict too, for that matter). It's not necessarily about being told what to wear or telling others what to wear, it's about caring enough to make sure you are wearing the best possible undies you can. That your lingerie fits, flatters, and makes you feel like the amazing woman you already are.

I know this is a controversial position. I'm basically saying that everyone's a lingerie expert...or that no one's a lingerie expert but  I've been turning this question over for awhile, and I'm really interested in what other people have to say. So what do you think, dear readers? What makes someone a lingerie expert? Can we all be lingerie experts? Are lingerie experts helpful at all?
Share your thoughts in the comments below. I read every single one of them.


Anonymous said...

Hello Kemi,i saw dis blog on twitter.wowwwwwwwwww such a nice one,i like the background colour and i really feel i av an answer to your question.i think you are a lingerie expert yourself,u know too much.keep it up.cheers

Rukky said...

well i think you lingerie sellers are the experts because you must have done your research before starting the business so you really know more than us.cheers.i love dis blog am so gonna be a regular visitor.hugs